Organizational experience

by : Talitha Marwa Zerlinda Pradipta

Warm greetings to all readers. I will tell you a little about my experience in chairing a fairly large event. This event is called MPLS & Fortasi. MPLS itself means Introduction to the School Environment and Fortasi itself means Ta’aruf and Orientation Forum. There are more new students this year than in previous years, 151 students entered my school and 5 classes were filled in my school.

I got to know many new juniors and I was happy to be among them, to be able to guide them in the beginning of their school days. I met with various different characteristics. There were those who were quiet, cheerful, and so on. Until now I am still close friends with the juniors even though I am in the highest class, I still consider them as my good friends. There is no such thing as senior in my friendship with the juniors. Especially when I filled the Leadership material at the event. I was happy to feel appreciated. I hope to be able to hold an event like this again at my next school.



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